Mission Statement

loyos bi combines specialist domain  knowledge, business intelligence and financial expertise.  Reporting-as-a-Service is our approach and   means for us enthusiasm for technology and a long-term partnership  with you.Welcome to loyos bi:
We make business intelligence readily  available!

Unser Team

Martin Sperling
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Martin Sperling
Martin Sperling
Martin Sperling

Martin  Sperling is one of the Managing Directors & founders of loyos bi GmbH.  His specialization lies in the optimization of financial reporting and the  provision of automation and digitalization solutions. Martin has extensive  expertise in financial  and human  resource management. Prior to his current role, he worked as CFO at medaktiv  reha gmbh and provided investment support as Managing Partner and Interim  Manager in the private equity segment. Martin's focus at loyos bi includes  product management for the Financial Management Suite, partner management  & sales, and HR & strategy. He values the partnership with our  customers, the valuable feedback and the common vision: to provide high  quality financial reports and BI processes in the shortest possible time.

Hauke Gastmeyer
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Hauke Gastmeyer
Hauke Gastmeyer
Hauke Gastmeyer

Hauke  is one of the Managing Directors and co-founders of loyos bi. He specializes  in various areas, including user-friendly Power BI reports, automation of  internal processes with Power Automate, design of reporting systems, and is  the product owner of loyos bi - HR Reporting Suite. Previously, Hauke held  senior positions at Dräger, implementing customer experience management  strategies and headed-up product communication and business development. With  loyos bi he turned his hobby into his profession and now enjoys the freedom  to manage his time flexibly and the proximity to our customers - Customer  First. In his spare time, Hauke regularly takes part in marathons -  preferably in the fastest time - and automates everything that is possible.

Ajantha Bogedera
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Ajantha Bogedera
Ajantha Bogedera
Ajantha Bogedera

Ajantha  has been with loyos bi from "Day 1" and has contributed  significantly to the development of today's Financial Management Suite. With  professional qualifications in controlling, he brings valuable experience in  financial analysis, financial planning and liquidity management from various  other companies. Ajantha provides support to a large number of our customers  and acts as an interface for customized programming and financial consulting.  Ajantha is also the product owner of the loyos bi - CashBoard, and is  therefore an important contact for banking connections and cash forecasts. He  appreciates the added value that   finance gets from Business Intelligence in the optimization of our  customers' business and controlling processes.

Elena Salinitro
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Elena Salinitro
Elena Salinitro
Elena Salinitro

Elena  provides support to our clients performing a comprehensive integration of  their reporting structures. Thanks to her many years of international  experience in transaction and deal advisory at KPMG and Ebner Stolz, among  others, she has in-depth knowledge of project management and is familiar with  the challenges involved in introducing new structures and processes at group  level. Elena advises our clients on the implementation of the Financial  Management Suite with a focus on corporate groups and provides support in the  set up of internal structures for consolidation processes. With her in-depth  knowledge, Elena is also responsible for the strategic direction of our  product development and improving our consulting services. Elena loves the  multifaceted challenges and the flexibility in her daily work with start-up  mindset at loyos bi.

Henning Maler
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Henning Maler
Henning Maler
Henning Maler

Henning  is in charge of the Customized Solutions division at loyos bi and is  responsible for Capacity & Data Management. With more than ten  years'  professional experience, he has  accumulated a wide range of knowledge and experience in project management.  Prior to his current position, he worked as a business controller and  controller at BG Klinikum Hamburg gGmbH. At  loyos bi, he provides customers with customized solutions from A to Z and has  expertise in supporting the entire ETL process with Power Automate, Azure  Data Factory and Power Query. Henning creates and visualizes individual  reports and provides  companies with  sustainable business intelligence solutions. The more complex the project in  DAX and Power Query, the greater his motivation to create ingenious  solutions.

Ilia Riegel
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Ilia Riegel
Ilia Riegel
Ilia Riegel

Ilia  looks after a large part of our customer base at loyos bi and is therefore an  important contact for the many day-to-day inquiries in the consulting  business. In content-related questions, export analyzes and the interface  setup of new source systems, our customers benefit from her many years of  experience as head of financial accounting and as a qualified accountant.  Ilia has been with loyos bi since 2021 and has optimized and automated  internal processes and taken internal reporting to a new level. She also  supports the development and expansion of the Financial Management Suite  modules. Ilia appreciates working at loyos bi because of the corporate  culture of mutual support, open communication and continuous personal  development.

Nadine Rohr
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Nadine Rohr
Nadine Rohr
Nadine Rohr
Richard Wolf
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Richard Wolf
Richard Wolf
Richard Wolf

Richard  has been with loyos bi since mid-2022. His focus is on finance, but he also  provides support to  Business  Development division in addition to his client projects. Richard studied  Finance & Management at ISM and is the product owner of the Private  Equity Cockpit and thus the contact person for various customers in the  private equity segment. He also provides support to our customers in the  day-to day consulting business and deals with all support requests related to  the Financial Management Suite. Richard enjoys working at loyos bi because of  the multifaceted challenges in the area of corporate development and the team  spirit.

Rudi Bott
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Rudi Bott
Rudi Bott
Rudi Bott

Rudi  is doing his performing a dual study programme at the IU International  University together with loyos bi and, due to his passion for coding, is  mainly involved in customer projects in the Customized Solutions segment. As  part of his studies in business administration, he is gaining practical  experience in all loyos bi's business areas and is providing support on  customer projects due to his previous knowledge of connecting our customers'  operational systems. Rudi already has extensive knowledge of various  programming languages, which he regularly uses for customer solutions. In his  spare time, Rudi is a passionate handball player and also coaches a youth  club.

Sebastian Schiller
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Sebastian Schiller
Sebastian Schiller
Sebastian Schiller

Sebastian  is a Senior Consultant at loyos-bi and specializes in specific projects for  our customers in the field of customized solutions. In addition to his role  as Senior Consultant, he also works as a Scrum Master for the company and  contributes to the effective and smooth implementation of internal and  external projects. As an experienced SAP consultant, he also has considerable  project management expertise. Sebastian appreciates the working environment  at loyos bi for several reasons: He has the freedom to develop himself, is  continuously confronted with new challenges from which he can grow, and  experiences a high level of trust and support within the team.

Seda Tatli
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Seda Tatli
Seda Tatli
Seda Tatli
Florian Ohms
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Florian Ohms
Florian Ohms
Florian Ohms

Florian is a Senior Consultant and brings to our team many years of experience in controlling, particularly in the implementation of reporting and planning processes. He also specializes in the development of tailor-made business intelligence environments for corporate management. At loyos bi, Florian therefore plays a leading role in the continuing development of the Financial Management Suite. In addition to supporting our customers in their daily consulting business, he also contributes his experience as a sparring partner in the use of the planning functionalities of the Financial Management Suite. At loyos bi, Florian not only appreciates the team spirit, but also the shared vision and the chance to develop our product together with the customer using  his own initiative.

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Martin Sperling
Martin Sperling

Martin Sperling ist einer der Geschäftsführer & Gründer der loyos bi GmbH. Seine Spezialisierung liegt in der Optimierung des Finanzreportings und der Bereitstellung von Automatisierungs- und Digitalisierungslösungen. Martin hat umfangreiche Fachkenntnisse in den Bereichen Finanzmanagement und Personalführung. Vor seiner aktuellen Rolle war er als CFO bei der medaktiv reha gmbh tätig und begleitete Beteiligungen als Managing Partner und Interims-Manager im Private-Equity Segment. Martin's Schwerpunkte bei loyos bi umfassen das Produktmanagement für die Financial Management Suite, Partnermanagement & Vertrieb sowie Personal & Strategie. Er schätzt die Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden, das wertvolle Feedback und die gemeinsame Vision: Finanzberichte und BI-Prozesse in kürzester Zeit und mit hohen Standards zur Verfügung zu stellen.

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Hauke Gastmeyer
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Henning Maler
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Ajantha Bogedera
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Ilia Riegel
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Richard Wolf
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Rudi Bott
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Elena Salinitro
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Seda Taeli
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Nadine Rohr
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